MeRCY - Michaelangelo (Album)

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After months of anticipation backed by three singles, we are finally gifted with the 12 piece offering of art from MeRCY. Even with some technical difficulties on the upload, nothing could stop Michaelangelo as it hits all streaming services in full force. With the transfer complete and minds at peace we can now indulge on the latest album from the craftsman MeRCY. 

Michaelangelo begins on a high note with the record “Work Of Art” as it sets the tone for the rest of the album. Backed by heavy drum & snare hits, MeRCY begins to paint his picture from his heart and painful scriptures. “You don’t got bark or bite/you don’t got stars and stripes/you ain’t built for this/I’m the army type” spits the heavy hitter over the Black Metaphor production. The track begins to boost your endorphins and that cycle continues to prove true throughout Michaelangelo, MeRCY says “this project is meant to be emotionally charged. Each record was supposed to be compelling storytelling”

With a vision in place and a mic in hand the south Florida native went to work. The sculptor compiled other artists and producers to help complete his work of art, giving them a brush so they can cement their own strokes of creativity. When asked about those moments behind the scenes MeRCY says “The creation process behind this album was almost like free falling to an empty abyss of imagination. I can feel what I want or say what I want based on the production provided. I wanted the listener to capture the essence of that.” T.F, NapsNDreds, Yoamanduh, Four Square Miles, The Musalini & P. Hall help by providing their vocals to the record. Lebanon Don, Tone Spliff, Sebb Bash, Syer, Jake One, Odd Squad, Zino, DJ Wayne Ski, Kubo , SlimRock & the previously mentioned Black Metaphor lace their imprint behind the boards. 

  MeRCY has always been known as a lyricist and has never fallen short of expressing his interests regarding the world of art. He combines both within Michaelangelo, bringing to life an album that brings a visual lyricism of a musical art gallery. The artist says “I wanted the people that’s listening to picture the music and see the sounds of every record.” If MeRCY turned this final project in before the end of the semester with hopes of passing he’d get an A+ for simply creating a body of work that has no faults. Instead he’s a college dropout who’s playing college dropout, he’s always been in a class of his own even before getting out. He’s an artist who doesn’t need a class or book to make his mark in life, he’s doing just that with his book of rhymes and the art that comes from it. 

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