SLPYJAYY - "I Just Wanna Vibe"

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I started making music for fun in high school around 2019. I was originally a basketball player, but after a bad injury my senior year I was sidelined for the season. That ultimately led me to hang out with some of my boys who were also doing music. After making my first song recorded in the bedroom of one of my boys crib. I was showing everybody just for fun and people actually liked how I sounded. I continued to make music, but I hadn’t reached that level that I wanted to yet. It was until 2020 when one of my close friends Shane (Steezy) gave me $1000 and told me to work on a mixtape and that the money was to be used for mixing and mastering and studio time. That moment opened my eyes as to how much he actually believed I could make it. From that point on I started spending all of my free time working on music. I started realizing that a lot more people were making music too. I came to the decision that I can’t just be a rapper or songwriter. I needed to expand my use if I’m going to make it in the music industry. I’ve been learning music theory myself and teaching myself instruments. I’ve began to also learn the in and out of the engineering side of things. Slim is my engineer and he’s been showing me the ropes. Hands down the best engineer in broward and I’ve come to build a great relationship with slim. The relationship between me and slim is important because when making music we both have to be on that same level of energy to feel the music. I used to go my another name, but I transitioned to SLPYJAYY for my name. This is the name I decided to go with because I’m chasing my dreams. And you only dream when your sleep (SLPY).

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