Exclusive Interview With A$AP Ty Beats

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A$AP Ty Beats

Mikhail Stukov

Mikhail Stukov: Let's take it back to the beginning...When did you first become interested in music?

A$AP Ty Beats: Music has become so essential to people's lives over the years that music naturally was something I caught interest to. I don't ever remember not liking music.

Mikhail Stukov: What has been the key to your success?

A$AP Ty Beats: I believe the key to my success comes from me being able to stay humble and not take things for granted. I think if you don't have those skills you might become big headed and not get to where you want to be, and this applies to everyday life.
Mikhail Stukov: When it comes to your beats, what motivates/inspires you?

A$AP Ty Beats: A lot of time when it comes to beats the time and setting might be a factor to my selection of sounds and or rhythm.

Mikhail Stukov: Who are your favorite producer of all time?

A$AP Ty Beats: My favorite producers include Timbaland, Pharell, and Tha Buizness. TDE has some great producers too

Mikhail Stukov: What are some things about A$AP Ty Beats that everyone doesn't already know?

A$AP Ty Beats: Something someone may not know about me is that I'm into stocks and reading the charts. I'm always looking for business ventures that can help me accumulate millions.
Mikhail Stukov: Whats the best piece of advice that has been ever given to you?

A$AP Ty Beats: The best piece of advice given to me is do your own thing. It isn't gonna be a person around available that always has an answer to your question or has time to focus on what you're working on. Being self dependent in a lot of situation is necessary. 

Mikhail Stukov: What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?

A$AP Ty Beats: No, I haven't accomplished what I wanted. I have a long life ahead, and plan on accomplished so much. Music wise so far i think accumulating over 50 million views on YouTube with Rocky (A$AP) has been huge. 

Mikhail Stukov: What are your thoughts on how things are going in the music industry right now?

A$AP Ty Beats: I believe the music industry is just a baby still growing and developing other genres of music, in any case the sounds are constantly getting new and better. In 2000 beats weren't sounding like they are now. The entertainers are not wearing the same clothes maybe same designers but definitely different fits and styles. The amount of foreign people that can actually listen to music coming from abroad their country has grow I'd assume because of the Internet. I know the Internet has taken its part of music ultimately allowing artist to grow past their local celebrity status.
Mikhail Stukov: Thank you very much for your time A$AP Ty Beats!

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